Monday, October 26, 2009

The Difference

A blog that showed how good/poor K810i's camera is .

Here I come ,

Normal , brightness -0/+0 , short-ranged

Normal , brightness -0/+0 , long-ranged

With the brightness of +2.0

With the brightness -2.0

Brightness -2.0 , Flash

Okay , round 2 . With effects .

Normal .

Black and white .

Negative .

Sepia .

Solarize .

In my opinion ,
Each of these photos proved that each of them have differences .
Such as the black and white .. It proved it has an emo feel or something like that ..
However , the photo with brightness -2.0 ,flash .
It gives u a terrible feels like u afraid of it ..

Conclusion : Good : Increased my capture skills .
Bad : No electric for 2 hours .
P/s : Sorry , I am a small begineer on photograpy . Will improve quickly : )

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