The sad thing was ,
I was under the damn big sun for about 8 hours , 5hours plus on the beach and 2 hours plus on a football field
I get sun burnt on my shoulder , hands and my poor face .
That's not only painful things and the most painful thing was ,
I get crashed on the beach and the blood keep coming out but I still can afforded to continue for the joy ,
××WyNn3r$$$ = 《放肆是我的信仰》+7+ legenD
That day , 0845 , Cake jia hao , he called me to ensure that I have awakened .
Yeah , I did that but I still continue sleep until 0900+
then I straight away get the things into the car and went to the beach at about 10o'clock.
I do not know where are them when I reached but luckily I have seen some ants chasing a football at tc2 and I was at tc1 .
So that I knew that they were the ants so I went to them.
Before I reach them , the girls were just infront of me , Hui Yi , Yen Qing and their friend .
There's 16 people attended on the activity
10 guys and 6 girls
but sadly , the 3 girls went back home earlier .
At the Tc2 ,
We did a lot of activities like ,
climbing rocks , football(kaki ayam), Rugby on the sea , war on the sea(a person climb on another person just like a ship and attack) and barbieque
We enjoyed the barbieque moment damn much because we were just like cooking mee
GO ! Fried!!
This is the first chicken wing for cake but it's not bbq by himself .
Our good friend , Mr.Ball ^^
After the activities have ended , we went to McDonald for lunch then ,2p.m
Finally the camera time is ON ! ^^
The Ceo of the Club . He's a good looking guy but..
Now he's not ! ^^
Chin Han , he deleted my photos , arghh .
Hakka qing , we were jealous that she has a free applepie .
Ha ! she is happy by holding my phone ^__^
Here come the fat 1 ! He missed his spec while playing on the sea :*( (chin han and I in the photo)
Here come the sakit perut guy then . Piggy Jan Huei ^^
The buttock guy , touch 1 time RM5 ^^ _ Gan .
From left to right Chee Siong , Cake , ah Sum , and Bryan
The Cow , Bing Quan .
P/s : I do not have enough time to capture all of them , the others : YongJiet , Hui Yi and Hui Yi's friend .
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